SignWriting Private Feedback
Long-Distance Learning & Document Editing
with Valerie Sutton

Feedback on your Documents

Have you written a document in SignWriting, and would like some private feedback?

Become a SignWriting Member...

SignWriting Membership

Members are welcome to send their documents to Valerie Sutton, the system's inventor, through email or postal mail, or by sharing online on Skype or FaceTime, and Val will read it, and make suggestions
on how to write the movements.

Contact Val for an appointment by Skype, FaceTime, voice phone, or by email.

Or you can post your questions to the SignWriting List for free technical support. The SignWriting List is always free!

Contact Val anytime!!

Val ;-)

Valerie Sutton

Deaf Action Committee for SignWriting
Center For Sutton Movement Writing
an educational nonprofit organization
Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038-0517, USA
tel: 858-456-0098