The teacher of the primary school, at Kasterlinden
school for the deaf, in the city of Sint-Agatha-Berchem,
Belgium, would like to participate in your
SignWriting Literacy Project. We are part
of the Brussel School District. Some other
information about our hearing impaired program:
We use a Dutch program to teach the children
their second language, there are signs included
in this program, no SignWriting. We clearly
separate the two languages. Dutch and Flemish
Sign Language.
of our teachers would like to introduce SignWriting
to their students. These teacher's are interested
in learning and using SignWriting because:
I (Kathleen) have already started using SignWriting
in the class, I would like more information
from other teachers who use it. I teach only
Flemish signlanguage to all the children in
the school. I teach approximately 20 number
of students who will be participating in the
Literacy Project.
agree, as a group, to complete three Web
Reports in return for the SignWriting
materials and technical support you donate
to us. We understand that this letter and
all three reports will become public information
and will be posted to the SignWriting List
and posted on the SignWriting Web Site. You
have our full permission to use the information
as needed. Please
send SignWriting materials for 2 number of
teachers and 20 number of students.
you for considering us for your project.