Centro Cristiano para Sordos
Colegio Tecnico Vocacional
Casilla 2548. Cochabamba, Bolivia


Cochabamba, Bolivia
30 de Marzo del 2000

Miguel Arturo Villarreal Camacho
Carachipampa Christian School
Centro Cristiano para Sordos

Valerie Sutton
SignWriting Literacy Project
Deaf Action Committee For SignWriting
P.O. Box 517
La Jolla, CA. 92038-0517, USA

Dear Valerie,
The teachers of the 6th grade, at the Centro Cristiano, in the city of Cochabamba - Bolivia would like to participate in your SignWriting
Literacy Project. We are part of the Cochabamba School District.

Some of our teachers would like to introduce SignWriting to their students.

We agree, as a group, to complete three Web Reports in return for the
SignWriting materials and technical support you donate to us. We
understand that this letter and all three reports will become public
information and will be posted to the SignWriting List and posted on
the SignWriting Web Site. You have our full permission to use the
information as needed.

Please send SignWriting materials for ___6____number of teachers and
_____15_____number of students.

Thank you for considering us for your project.


Miguel Arturo Villarreal Camacho

Centro Cristiano Tecnico
Vocacional para Sordos Vinto


For more information about
SignWriting in Bolivia, contact:

Rebeca Powlison

Miguel Arturo Villarreal Camacho

Centro Cristiano para Sordos
Colegio Tecnico Vocacional
Casilla 2548. Cochabamba, Bolivia


..SignWriting in Bolivia Directory...