Sure. Really what has happened historically with SignWriting is pretty comparable to what the Arabic language has experienced over the years to become a very strong and enduring language. You see, in the beginning, the Arabic language started off as a spoken language only, without having a written component to it.

Quite similar to ASL today, where it is a manual-visual language without a written form. Once a written form was established, then Arabic was able to become a truly rich and fruitful language.

The situation today is no less similar for the Deaf. Where their language is spoken or communicated only through signing, it doesn't have a written form as of yet. So in order for the language of the Deaf to truly become a rich and prosperous language it needs the written form.

You make a good point there. I can't argue with that. So now I would like to ask you, how do you foresee SignWriting being transmitted? Through the vehicle of huge bound volumes, or through the use of computers, via print or electronically? Exactly what do you envision happening with SignWriting in the future?

...interview continues
next page...

The above was signed in ASL by Denny Voreck
and Abdul Aziz Al-Obaid in 1995
on the video entitled
Deaf Perspectives on SignWriting, Video 2.

The English text is a word-for-word transcription of the English voice-over on the video, by interpreter Pasch McCombs.