Rules we made and followed:

We tried to make our own rules, and be consistent to an extent.



The everyday sign 'electricity' is index and middle fingers together, slightly bent, in both hands, tapping / contacting each other twice. This is close to the everyday sign for 'contact', which taps once.






We kept the sign for 'electricity', but restricted it's meaning to the phenomenon, not the power or other everyday inferences of the word/sign. We also kept the combined index/ middle finger for further electricity concepts. Thus we combined the movement of the sign for 'stream, current, river' with this handshape, and got the sign for electrical current (in Norwegian, the word is 'stream'). This the same as the GESTUNO sign for 'current'.


stream, current, river

electrical current


Keeping the two hands in the 'electricity' position, but a bit apart, and straining/ shaking, we got a sign for 'voltage, potential' (which in Norwegian has a word meaning 'emotional suspense' or 'strain').

Voltage, electrical potential