> On Thu, 27 May 1999 Wayne Smith wrote:
>>Could there be a
>>Ctrl-Something key that will completely reverse a given sign or (better yet)
>>a given group of signs or even a complete document so that it would reflect
>>how a left-handed signer might produce the signs?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> June 18, 1999
> What an interesting suggestion :-)
> Actually, to program an "automatic switch", in SignWriter 5.0, from
> right-handed signs to left-handed signs, might be expensive and
> time-consuming to program...and I don't even know if the feature would be
> that useful. We can always re-type the left-handed version the slow way if
> we need to.
What an interesting answer. :-)
As someone who programs computers for a living I would rather expend more
time on the product than force the users to re-do their work to compensate
for my own laziness.
Now I know that Valerie is not a programmer and her comments are those a
lay-person. As SignWriter is her product it is, of course, her decision as
to what features are or are not in it.
(And in case you ask Valerie, I'm still looking into the problem of running
SignWriter 4 under Windows NT. Unfortunately, the paying work has gotten in
the way of that work.)
Regards, Trevor
<>< Re: deemed!