Hi Pastor Dettloff,
That is my signature file, and it comes from a 12 step program that I am in. It means that Acceptance of the way things are today this 24 hour period ahead of me is the answer to all my problems today. I just use that as my signature file in my email. I deal with a lot of Recovery email and I use it.
Thank you for reply about the cost or fee of the program, Valerie, has told me that there is no registration cost for the program on the website, that is was completely free and to go ahead and download it.
Thanks again for you help.
Hi, What does that mean, "Acceptance is the answer to my problems."?
I don't think there is a fee charged. I bought the program myself and it was worth it. If you really love the Deaf this is something that the unprejudiced will love and use.
Pastor Ronald & Judith. Dettloff The Deaf Church, 20880 Ten Mile Road St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080 signpreach@juno.com https://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8491/signbibl/ https://cyberjer.com/signbibl/