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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Tue Sep 14, 1999  11:24 pm
Subject:  Re: Announcing: SignBank Database Online

> And it's not clear: will the database be searchable? Will the ASL
>(and eventual DGS etc.) signs be ordered by your sign symbol sequence?
> Angus B. Grieve-Smith


Hi Angus -
Thanks for this question....

Yes...we will always have the bilingual dictionaries going "both
ways"..."Word-to-Sign" dictionaries, which are incorporated into SignBank
I, and "Sign-To-Word" dictionaries, which are incorporated into SignBank
II. And someday we will have a SignBank III, which is Sign-To-Sign
dictionaries between two signed languages, with no spoken language.

Of course I know my tiny database at this moment is a bit small, so it may
be hard to see what I had planned....But as you probably noticed, I have
already listed the "English-ASL" and "ASL-English" dictionaries, even
though they only have 6 entries right now! So is our plan to
include dictionaries online searchable by words, and searchable by

When it comes to the programming of "searching through a web-database", at
the moment, that is limited to simple links....for example, I can create
links "to the section that starts with the fist handshape", or links to the
section that starts with"H" or whatever....

I guess there are some great search engines out there, but I am not
knowledgable as to how to go about the programming of such a search
engine... perhaps you know about that, Angus? I would like to have your would be great to be able to type in a word or sign someday,
and the equivalent would "magically appear"....rather than linking and then
scanning down the list, the way we are doing now.

I assumed it would be expensive to have a true search engine specifically
for dictionaries online....I have just changed over to DeafVision and I am
really happy with the service they are giving me....but I have not asked
them about this yet...

Valerie ;-)


Valerie Sutton..............................................SignWritingSite

Deaf Action Committee for SignWriting...Center For Sutton Movement Writing
an educational nonprofit organization...Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038-0517, USA

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