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From:  Charles Butler
Date:  Sat Nov 20, 1999  2:54 am
Subject:  Gloss for Salt and Oranges (download the story and compare it)

Salt and Oranges
by Charles Butler

African story, me tell story about Oya and Oshun,
Ocean and fruit tree.
Question you question why?

Oya personality like ocean--salt bitter,
Oshun personality like orange--sweet happy.
Oya meet Oshun, what happen, they argue all the time.
But now a new story.
Sit, see, remember.

Weather [was] dry, people [were] thirsty,
Mother carried her baby onto the bus and traveled to wet country,
searching for food.

Mother like Oya, personality now bitter and tired,
but she went to buy food for her baby.

The mother saw an orange seller but Mother broke.
The mother cried "how am I going to pay for food to feed my baby?"
The mother fell down and the baby started to cry.

The orange seller was like Oshun. How was she like Oshun? The orange
seller broke an orange and feed the mother and the baby, salt on orange
like rain.

But story not finished.

The mother and the baby went home on the bus. The mother told the baby
about the orange woman every day. Each evening the mother broke and
orange and salted it like tears, and the mother and child sat and ate
the orange and remembered the friendly enemy. Why enemy? Because salt
people are not friends with the orange people.

It is now long ago. The mother has grown old, the child has grown up.
War comes, fighting comes, guns come. The mother goes shopping and
doesn't return. The child goes searching for [her] mother.

She went to the market but it was destroyed. [There were] oranges on
the ground. The girl picked up an orange and put it in her pocket. She
still looked for mother. Girl went to hospital, searching for her
mother, but her mother was not in the hospital. But then the girl saw
an old woman asleep who woke up, and the girl saw eyes like she
remembered. Eyes are friendly. The girl stopped, took the orange in
her pocket, and started to cry. Salty rain fell on the orange. The
girl broke the orange and fed the old woman. The woman fell asleep and
the girl grasped her hands like a prayer.

The nurse saw them both asleep. The old woman was dressed in orange
like Oshun and the [orange] trees. The girl was dressed in black like
the ocean people, salty. Enemies now friends. Oya and Oshun had met
and smiled.

The story is finished.

  Replies Author Date
2390 Re: Gloss for Salt and Oranges (download the stor Valerie Sutton Tue  11/23/1999

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