Trevor Jenkins wrote:
> Any answer :-) will prompt me to ask further questions such as are there any
> utility programs that can convert between the two? Are there metafont
> descriptions of the ASL notation and, if dare I ask it, of SignWriting
> symbols?
I'd like to eventually see programs that can convert between
SignWriting and Stokoe, between Stokoe and SignFont, etc. When I
created my Stokoe font, I looked into MetaFont, but since there weren't
any obvious ways of translating from MetaFont to TrueType or Type 1, I
chose instead to create a TrueType font in Fontographer. I'd like to
have MetaFont descriptions of all these, but I don't know if I'll ever
find the time to learn MetaFont.
-Angus B. Grieve-Smith
Linguistics Department
University of New Mexico