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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Fri Jan 28, 2000  1:50 am
Subject:  ColumnMaker for SignWriter 4.3

SignWriting List
January 27, 2000

QUESTION: I understood that there is a
separate program that will convert horizontal SignWriter files to
vertically printed files. I wondered, first, how it changes the way
you type so that you can do the offsetting properly to show body
shifts. Second, how much does it cost? Can we get it separate
from the whole SWriter package?


Yes. The ColumnMaker program is a small "add-on" program to
SignWriter 4.3. It is in MS-DOS and coordinates with SignWriter. All
of the files in SW 4.3 are typed horizontally. Then you close SW and
in MS-DOS, open the ColumnMaker program. It asks you which file you
want to convert? You give the name of the file and then it creates a
new file that has placed the horizontal writing into vertical columns.

It does not change how you type. Any typing adjustments have to be
made manually, either before or after the conversion takes place. But
I can certainly give you hints on how to do that properly, and will
be happy to post the instruction to the SignWriting List.

If a person is already a registered SignWriter user...someone who
purchased the program in the past, no matter what the version of
SignWriter, then I will be happy to send you ColumnMaker free of

So if there is anyone on the SW List who owns the SignWriter Computer
Program, but does not have ColumnMaker, please write to me privately
and I will be happy to send it to you....

If you own SignWriter 4.2 or earlier, and you have not upgraded to
SignWriter 4.3, that is another good reason to write to me and we can
work out arrangements for your upgrade ;-)

Val ;-)

Valerie Sutton at the DAC
Deaf Action Committee for SignWriting


Center For Sutton Movement Writing
an educational nonprofit organization
Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038-0517, USA

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