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From:  Cecelia Smith
Date:  Thu Feb 3, 2000  5:25 am
Subject:  Re: Gallaudet University & SignWriting...

Hi Valerie;

No, I am no longer at Gallaudet, so I am not in their hair about Sign
Writing.... However, having them talk to the folks there isn't a bad idea.

As Robert Johnson once said....(not a direct quote...since it was about 2
years ago) he has nothing against SignWriting, per se, however the Deaf in
America already have a perfectly good writing system, it is called English.
However, should the day ever arrive when Deaf students require the use of
such a system, he would be happy to incorporate it as an elective...

I spoke with a first year grad student recently...they were given the same
page I was handed when I was a first year student. It was a bad copy of a
document from the late 70's or early 80's, describing sign writing, and given
as an example of why SignWriting won't be successful.

Can we say I never made a dent? <sigh>

Oh well. Onward....ever onward.

formerly of Gallaudet

  Replies Author Date
2685 Re: Gallaudet University & SignWriting... Valerie Sutton Thu  2/3/2000

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