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From:  Wayne in Maine
Date:  Thu May 4, 2000  6:43 pm
Subject:  Kalimera! I'm back from Greece

Valerie -
Hello! Yes, I am back from Greece. The trip was OK, but I have to
admit that I was very much put off by the fact that it seemed like everybody
smoked and there were no non-smoking sections in public places. I've been
told that all of Europe is like that. Living in the fresh air of Maine I've
become spoiled, and the smoke was a shock to my system. It colored my
entire trip. : (
While there I gave a presentation on my research to a group of hearing
and Deaf researchers of Greek Sign Language. They're in the process of
putting together a dictionary of GSL on DVD. They're starting with a core
vocabulary of 3000 signs. Their team includes members of the Deaf
community, hearing and Deaf linguists, and is being supported by the Greek
government through the IEL, an agency which promotes research and
development of language training materials for natives and non-natives
Of course I made a strong statement in support of SignWriting. Two of
the people whose names you sent to me were in the audience. One, Galini
Sapountzakis, was one of the interpreters (the 2 interpreters were
incredible, going directly from spoken English to Greek Sign Language!). I
recommended to all that they visit the SignWriting website for more
Has the JSL video transcription project started yet? I was in no-mail
mode during the trip, and only had time for a cursory glance at the SW-L
archives. What am I supposed to do first?
Thanks for thinking of me! : )
- Wayne

Valerie wrote:
> Wayne Smith home from Greece yet? How was your trip, Wayne?

  Replies Author Date
3327 Re: Kalimera! I'm back from Greece Valerie Sutton Thu  5/4/2000

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