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From:  Stefan Woehrmann
Date:  Sun Sep 10, 2000  8:22 am
Subject:  Re: cued speech and SW flash-cards

Hi Nancy-

thanks for your answer.

Politics has changed concerning CI - the younger the better (!!! )
Now there are more and more very young children ( 2 to 4 years and even
younger who get this technical device imlanted. I don�t want to focus on
this question too much though. I�m interested in SW - and bright , clever,
smart , openminded children with proud about their being as they are.
Nevertheless I mentioned this CI - problem because auf the lack of
communication. Once the children get their auditory conection with the world
the experts recomend strongly to reduce any visually stimuli. Their idea is
that children should be forced to concentrate on hearing (listening)
otherwise they - being lazy as children are - (ironical !!) would
concentrate on SL and wouldn�t develop that kind of nerve-connections that
would develop their hearing . (If they would grow up with SL - getting to
know what other (hearing) children know about the world and themselves ,
about how people ask or answer questions, about the names of the things
around them - hmm - I wouldn�t feel that much disturbed. But I agree -
there are so many children who get implanted who are suffering a silent
fight against a life -lie . They are told that some day - they will be part
of the hearing. They will be able to communicate in normal "oral" language.
But up to then .. hm - what about this gap ? And what about all the children
in the past who had to experience that they didn�t achieve this goal ? And
what is about these young adults who feel so confused - not to be a part of
any culture ?? And what about the children who feel a constant feeling of
discomfort wearing this device within their head? Whenever I talk ( in SL
with these children I feel sorry for them )

I�m interested in your way of using SW during teaching. Can you understand
my "cued speech- writings" I mean the handshapes, facial expression for the
mouth - does it fit if you (who is doing articulation -training with your
kids ? ) try to speak out the words I wrote underneath? Any suggestions ?
What kind of flashcards - teaching materials are You on the way to develop ?
Would love to hear from you.

Stefan ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: Nancy Cole
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: cued speech and SW flash-cards

> I have one student in my class that has a CI. The parents are very
> with Austin and his speech, but others outside his family can't understand
> his speech. He is almost ready to go to middle school next year, but
> seem to get past 3rd grade reading. He is in my class, but the other
> who uses SEE works with him. He got very mad last week when she told him
> that airplanes have a "tail." He doesn't have an understanding what he is
> reading which is sad, and also his parents were very happy that he got the
> CI. I guess there is positives and negatives, though I haven't heard that
> many positives. I just couldn't imagine doing that to my kids, ever. In
> view it would be like forcing my kids to be deaf like my husband and I.
> Richard wanted to know how old your kids had mentioned 1st and
> grade...I was shocked to see them so young with CI's. We don't see that
> often here.
> Anyways, I am also working with my kids in SW and they are doing so
> I'm even spending more time with it, and Richard and I are enjoying
> learning. Interesting report Stephan, very interesting and neat to here
> of the stuff you are doing!
> Smile
> Nancy

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