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From:  Charles Butler
Date:  Sun Jun 3, 2001  8:07 pm
Subject:  FENEIS Conference - Porto Alegre Brasil

PORTO ALEGRE -- Rio Grande de Sul - BRASIL
June 1, 2001 - 4:30 PM

FENEIS (Federa μί o Nacional de Educa μί o e Integra μί o
dos Surdos) (the National Federation of Education and
Integration of the Deaf) officially accepted Sign
Writing (Lingua Escrita de Sinais) in the state-wide
list of principles this weekend.

As part of the annual FENEIS conference, part of the
proceedings were to accept an extensive set of
principles for training teachers of sign language and
interpreters in Brasil.

Because of the rich work that the SignNet project and
particular Marianne Stumpf has been having here in
Porto Alegre, the principles were changed by the three
groups of which the body is made (the Deaf, Hearing
Advocates, and Interpreters) to officially add Lingua
Escrita de Sinais (Sign Writing) as part of the
methodology for all teachers of sign language in Rio
Grande de Sul to learn and be able to discuss with
their students in the process of discussing the
grammar, history, and morphology of Libras (Brasilian
Sign Language).

Representives of the Deaf Schools of Parana State will
be taking this report back to Parana for use in their
over 50 schools with Deaf students.

This has taken Marianne and the ongoing group of
trained SignWriters about 5 years to accomplish.
Charles Butler (researcher from the United States, but
also Brasilian) gave presentations on several joint
projects, Charles on using SW for grammar lessons, and
Marianne on why writing sign is so important in the
long term for users of sign language. Other
researchers from PUC (Pontificade Universidade
Catolio) and ULBRA (Universidade Luterana do Brasil)
also presented their experiences. Together Marianne
and Charles the joint Libras/ASL dictionary project,
and also discussed the possibility of developing Sign
Shorthand into a usable everyday script.

There are now groups using SW in research in Sao
Paulo, Pelotas, Porto Alegre, and several other places
in Brasil, and everyone is excited about having a
dictionary in which their language is given the
primary attention, with a systematized
"alfabetization" using the SW system.

Charles Butler, Beltsville, MD
Proud Brasilian and friend of FENEIS

(for more information, write Charles Butler at
or go to the Brasil links

  Replies Author Date
5050 Re: FENEIS Conference - Porto Alegre Brasil Valerie Sutton Mon  6/4/2001

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