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July 23, 2001
Dear Hector in Colombia -
Take a look at the attached diagram. It shows your new Fingerspelling Keyboard.
Notice the Ñ (ene)...yours has a double twist.
In Nicaragua, they do the same, but with a single twist. That is
fine. Every country is different!
But .....I want to point out that in Nicaragua, they also have a key
for "LL" and "RR". Those have a twist too, but with different
handshapes. Take a look at the diagram. I left those two keys from
Nicaragua on your keyboard...(even though you did not ask for them).
Of course I can take those away later...or we can keep them there.
Would you like to keep the RR and LL keys on your Colombian
Fingerspelling Keyboard, but with the double twist like your Ñ (ene)? |