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Ulrike Zeshan Date: Mon Nov 2, 1998 11:21 am Subject: Re: iconicity | |
Dear list members, I have followed the discussion about iconicity in sign writing and want to put in my opinion. Please forgive me that I have so far only a very dim idea about sign writing and no practical skills, but I do have a point of view that hasn't come up yet. So let me make my point here and forgive me if I am talking about a problem that has already been resolved (long introduction...) First of all, I totally agree with Karen van Hoek about the readability of linear transcription systems. I have never been able to read any of it be it Sign Font or HamNoSys or whatever, and I did feel - looking at sign writing for the first time - that its iconicity is a good base for readability. I also agree with Angus Grieve-Smith that fluent readers of English (or any other spoken language script) process whole words and don't use iconicity. But I am somehow convinced that fluent readers of sign writing will do the same, i.e. they will process the whole sign at once without bothering very much about the iconicity of the individual components. Maybe the fluent sign writing readers among you can tell me. But here comes my real issue now. I don't think that more or less iconicity in sign writing is an issue that challenges anything. What *is* the real issue in my opinion is in how far any sign language writing system is phonetic or phonemic. Let me explain what I mean by this: my point of view is based on my research on sign languages in India and Pakistan, which have so far not been researched at all as far as their grammar is concerned. If I wanted to apply sign writing to this 'new' sign language, what would I have to do? I could of course start right away and use the symbols to describe the sign as I see it (maybe I would need a few more particular handshapes etc). But wouldn't I put in too much information that is, strictly speaking, unnecessary? For example, I wouldn't really need to specify that some signs are made with a B handshape with the thumb folded on the palm because this handshape only occurs in signs with contact made on the side of the hand along the index finger (the thumb would be 'in the way' then). So if I write everything, this writing is called phonetic. However, I would only want to write as much as necessary to indentify every sign unambiguously, i.e. I would like to write phonemically. In English, you don't write down that the 'p' in words such as 'speech' is unaspirated (not produced with a puff of air) in contrast with words such as 'poor', and you don't need to write it down because there is a phonological rule that tells you how to pronounce the two. Similarly, there is a rule that tells me about the B handshape with folded thumb so that I don't need to write it down. But I only know this because I have analysed the phonological structure of the sign language. In the course of development of a writing system, I would like to eliminate all these aspects of the sign that can be deduced by phonological rules in order to make the writing system more concise and easy to handle. Of course no writing system in the world is totally phonemic in this sense but, if I am not mistaken, this is the direction that linguists prefer for writing an unknown language. Now my suggestion is that maybe some linguists feel that sign writing is too iconic because there is a greater danger to use it in a way that is more phonetic than phonemic. There may be a feeling that sign writing doesn't necessitate much phonological analysis and is therefore inferior or 'too iconic'. I don't think so myself but I would still like to know whether sign writing has evolved in this sense, i.e. in the direction of writing more phonemically instead of phonetically. Surely you must have known, for example, which handshapes to choose from the maybe 150 or so phonetically occurring handshapes. I am sure you didn't use all. So how did it happen? Comments about this may help me to think about the application of sign writing to Indopakistan Sign Language. Thanks for any hints. Yours Ulrike Zeshan University of Cologne |