SignWriting List
October 1, 2001
Stefan wrote:
>So here is my first question: What is the difference betwenn trill trill
>(03-04-002 SSS) and tremble (03-04-003 SSS)
Thanks for the question, Stefan. I have been trying to get short
names for each "Trill-Trill", meaning more than one
The trill symbols have singles, doubles, triples and quatruples (one,
two, three and four openings and closings).
The triples and quatruples usually are used when a person just keeps
on doing it and doing it and doing the point where the trill
becomes like trembling and you can no longer decipher the beginning
or the end of the movement...
The trembling symbols really stem from writing body movement. We have
placed trembling lines around the whole body....or even the head to
show general trembling excitement: |