SignWriting List
December 2, 2001
Hello Everyone!
Thank you for all your private messages concerning the email virus ;-)
Please know that NONE of you are to blame for the virus...the only
people to blame are those who created the virus in the first place...
so no one on the SignWriting List "gave it to me" is simply
"out in the world"... such is life with computers!
If you are on a Windows computer, there is a chance you are sending
it to other people without knowing it. There is anti-virus software
that can get rid of it.
If you are on a Macintosh, you cannot send it to someone else, nor is
there any software to clean it with, since it is not a Mac
virus....BUT you can still be bombarded with the infected emails from
other people, which in turn created other problems for me.
Each day I receive approximately 15-20 infected messages (maybe
more), usually from total strangers who asked for information on
I just posted a DanceWriting Christmas card to the List...isn't
Stanley the Stick Figure cute? ;-))
Stanley doesn't care about computer viruses - He just dances his
troubles away - ha!
Val ;-)
Valerie Sutton
....visit the...
Read & Write Sign Languages
Sign Language Dictionaries
Read & Write Dance
Read & Write Movement & Gesture
Deaf Action Committee for SignWriting
Center For Sutton Movement Writing
an educational nonprofit organization
Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038-0517, USA
tel: 858-456-0098....fax: 858-456-0020