Dan Parvaz wrote:
>I wonder if SW 4.4 only uses CGA or EGA graphics, in which case I
>may need a separate BIOS ROM file. Bochs is at
>https://bochs.sourceforge.net .
SignWriting List
December 16, 2001
Dan - Here is a description of SignWriter features. Keep us informed
as to what you have to do to make it work in Bochs...Val ;-)
SignWriter 4.4
SignWriter is an MS-DOS program requiring 640K bytes of internal
memory, CGA, EGA or VGA graphics, and about two megabytes hard disk
space. Documents can be printed on US letter and A4 sized paper.
Three kinds of printers are supported:
1. Epson-FX-compatible dot-matrix printers
2. Hewlett-Packard-compatible ink-jet or laser printers, and
3. Postscript laser printers.
SignWriter prints best with postscript printers. It
also combines with Adobe
Acrobat, to create SignWriter -PDF files that can be
printed and read on the
Macintosh, Windows and Unix.