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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Wed Jan 23, 2002  3:10 am
Subject:  Re: RES: Windows Interface For SignWriter 4.4

>>Sergio Ribeiro wrote: I can develop a program for sign design like
>>a dictionary like a attach. But a need your help becouse export the
>>pictures for compose bottons of the SW 4.4 is a time espensive. If
>>you have those and if you can send for me. I develop program and
>>send to you that one, incluse with the source code in VB 6.0. What
>>you guess ?

SignWriting List
January 22, 2002

Thank you, Sergio, for your interest in developing software for
SignWriting! I cannot remember, are you working with Antonio Carlos
da Rocha Costa in Brazil? Perhaps not? Anyway, as you know, there are
some programs being developed in Brazil...Including the SWML that
might be of help to you. For example, Antonio Carlos made GIFs of
every symbol in SignWriter 4.4, to work in SWML...and those GIFs
might be available on the web. Go to:


If the symbols themselves are what you need, go to:

Sutton's SymbolBank

You will find symbols for download on this web page, for example:

SW symbols for download

Best of luck with your project, Sergio!

Val ;-)

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