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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Thu Mar 7, 2002  5:23 pm
Subject:  SignBank Schedule....

SignWriting List
March 7, 2002

Stefan wrote:
>I am looking forward that all of us will take advantage from the
>gigantic SignBank - project ! To be able to compare several
>different SL of the world and even more to find the meaning of a
>given sign in the direction from sign to word search - that seems to
>become like magic ! This weekend I watched a program for the Deaf
>on TV and a competent signer talked about several cities in Italy
>- I never saw these name-signs before and started to write them in
>SW . It would be great to look at country names and other signs from
>the perspective of the Deaf who are living there !!!

Glad to hear you are anxious to use SignBank, Stefan! Regarding the
beta test schedule...

Todd, our programmer, will be delivering a new and improved version
to me on March 18th. Then I will work with it a few days, and then
post it on the web for the beta testers to download and test. Plus I
will mail cds to the Albuquerque Public Schools so their technician
can install it on their computers...

There are some new developments -

I have added more SignBank formats in the Portal. There will be a
layout for placing Quicktime video clips now, plus another format for
placing illustrations or still photos, plus another format for
placing animated signs in SignWriting, like the opening of your web
site, Stefan...of course it will take time before the database will
have entries in that category - ha!

Val ;-)

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