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Deaf Literacy: What Works?
You are invited to be in a research study of perspectives on literacy. You were selected as a possible participant because you are Deaf or hard of hearing. We ask that you read this form and ask any questions you may have before agreeing to be in the study.
The research study titled, “Deaf Literacy: What Works” is a senior project conducted by Hillary Hittner and The University of Minnesota. Ms. Hittner is an undergraduate who is graduating in May 2002 with a Bachelors of Arts in Honors Psychology and a Bachelors of Individualized Studies in Deaf Studies, Biological Psychology and Drug and Alcohol Studies.
Background Information:
There is an abundance of research concerning literacy development and the education of children who are Deaf/hard of hearing. Researchers have made many attempts to answer the question: What is better-speech or signing. However, the findings remain inconclusive since so many factors influence literacy development such as family support, communication, diversity in the classroom, the use of technology etc. Additionally, most of the research fails to ask Deaf/hard of hearing individuals directly what influences their ability to learn literacy skills. Thus, the purpose of this study is to obtain perspectives on English literacy from Deaf/hard of hearing individuals.
If you agree to be in this study, we would ask you to do the following things:
Participants are asked to fill out a forty-five question survey that is designed to take no more than ten minutes to complete. The survey is broken down into four domains that influence perceptions on English literacy; parental, educational, communication, and self.
Risks and Benefits of Being in the Study:
There are no direct benefits nor risks to participating in this survey.
The records of this study will be kept private. In any sort of report we might publish, we will not include any information that will make it possible to identify a subject. Research records will be kept in a locked file; only researchers will have access to the records for educational purposes.
Voluntary Nature of the Study:
Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect your current or future relations with the University of Minnesota. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw at any time without affecting those relationships.
New Information:
If during the course of this research study, there are significant new findings discovered which might influence your willingness to continue, the researchers will inform you of those developments.
Contacts and Questions:
The researcher conducting this study is Hillary Grace Hittner. You may ask any questions you have now. If you have questions later, you may contact her at hitt0012@umn.edu; Phone: (612) 840-8898 or Randy Fletcher (advisor) fletch002@umn.edu,
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the study and would like to talk to someone other than the researcher(s), contact Research Subjects’ Advocate line, D528 Mayo, 420 Delaware Street S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455; telephone (612) 625-1650.
Upon request, you will be given a copy of this form to keep for your records..
Statement of Consent:
I have read the above information. I have asked questions and have received answers. I consent to participate in the study.
Signature ______________________________________________________ Date ________________
Signature of Investigator __________________________________________ Date ________________
Please read the following statements carefully and rate how strongly you agree or disagree with them.
1.)Strongly Disagree
5.)Strongly Agree
1.) My parents read regularly to me as a child
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
2.) Technology helps me live in both the hearing and Deaf world.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
3.) The communication between a student and the teacher is important for the development of reading and writing in English.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
4.) I prefer face-to-face interactions rather than writing things on paper.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
5.) Signed Exact English (SEE) provides a strong foundation for learning to read and write.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
6.) I communicate fluently with my parents.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
7.) I rely on others to tell me what is going on in world news.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
8.) It is extremely important to know how to read and write English.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
9.) I would be a better reader if my parents would have read to me more as a child.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
10.) SignWriting is the best way to teach D/HH children to read and write.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
11.) I read the newspaper and/or magazines daily.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
12.) I enjoy writing to others as a way to express myself.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
13.) My parents understood me as a child.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
14.) The oral method is the best way for D/HH children to learn to read and write.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
15.) It is better to have a Deaf instructor than a hearing instructor who is proficient in American Sign Language.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
16.) I find it difficult to remain interested in novel.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
17.) My parents wrote notes to keep me informed about their comings and goings.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
18.) I wish that I could read English better.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
19.) It does not make a difference in what communication foundation the child has, but that he/she can read and write.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
20.) I enjoy reading novels.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
21.) I am involved and aware in both the Deaf and Hearing world regardless of technology.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
22.) I watch (closed-captioning) TV for information regarding current news.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
23.) I learned most of my English skills in school..
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
24.) Cued Speech is a strong foundation for learning to read and write.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
25.) I learned how to communicate (language skills) in school.
1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly Agree
Answer the following questions with a Yes/No
I have a palm pilot. ________ ________
I have a pager. ________ ________
I have a diary or journal that I use. ________ ________
I have a TTY in my home. ________ ________
I have internet access. ________ ________
I have a caption decoder for my television. ________ ________
I use instant messaging. ________ ________
Answer the following questions with a Yes/No
I have a sibling who is Deaf/hard of hearing. ________
I have a parent who is Deaf/hard of hearing. ________
I have a child who is Deaf/hard of hearing. ________
I am a member of the Deaf culture. ________
My teachers used technology (computers/closed captioning) as
a way to help teach reading skills. ________
Demographics Parents Yourself
1.) Check all that apply-
_____ _____Some High School
_____ _____High School Graduate
_____ _____Some College
_____ _____Four Year College Degree
_____ _____Masters Degree
_____ _____Doctorate Degree
2.) Racial Background (circle one)
A.) Caucasian
B.) Asian
C.) African American
D.) Hispanic
E.) Other
Gender M or F (circle one
3.) Age Range
46+ _____
4.) Age onset of hearing loss:
At Birth ______
0-2 ______
2-5 ______
5 + ______
5.) Professional Role:_____________________________________________________
6.) Language spoken home:________________________________________________
7.) What language do you feel the most comfortable using?:_______________________
8.) What type of school did you attend when you were learning how to read (mainstream, oral, manual, bilingual etc.)?_________________________________________________
9.) Survey distributed by (circle one): Postal Mail, Internet, Researcher, Educator, Other
Replies | Author | Date | Size | |
6707 | survey | HILLARY HITTNER | |
4 KB |
6708 | Re: survey | rbrooks124 | |
6 KB |
6709 | Re: survey | Stuart Thiessen | |
7 KB |
6721 | Re: survey | Ronald Dettloff | |
2 KB |
6722 | Re: survey | HILLARY HITTNER | |
4 KB |
6730 | Re: survey | HILLARY HITTNER | |
5 KB |
6732 | Re: survey | Valerie Sutton | |
4 KB |
6734 | Re: survey | HILLARY HITTNER | |
4 KB |
6735 | Re: survey | Valerie Sutton | |
6 KB |