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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Mon Jan 4, 1999  11:19 pm
Subject:  Bilingualism & SignWriting

Hello Everyone -

As you can see, I receive lots of interesting questions regarding
SignWriting. Today I received a message asking this question:

"Is SignWriting this Bilingualism thing that we hear so much about...?"

I have not answered the person yet.

How would some of you suggest I answer that question? :-)

Valerie :-)

Valerie Sutton at the DAC
Deaf Action Committee for SW


Center For Sutton Movement Writing
an educational nonprofit organization
Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038-0517, USA

  Replies Author Date
796 Re: Bilingualism & SignWriting Joe Martin Tue  1/5/1999

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