February 25, 2000

There are several ways to write movement of
this kind. Each way has a different "feeling"
to it. The first example in the question above is written
well, if you need to specify the exact direction of each
In my examples number 1 and 2 above, I added an arrowhead
on each end of the stem line to show "up and down"
with fewer arrows - but each one of these symbols give
slightly different information.
Usually, for
daily writing of signs, the exact details of which hand
rotates which direction first, is often not needed to
understand the sign. So although my examples are not what
you wanted, at least this gives you some idea of the variety
and flexibility we have with our movement symbols....
For everyone's
general information...
When there
are groups of movement symbols like that...we read from
the "center-out" and also if the group of symbols
are stacked up and down, then we read from the "top-down"
So the two
rules are:
1. Center to Out
2. Top to Bottom
Looking at
the same attachment above, my number 1 shows "Shaking
Movement". Shaking Movement does not state the exact
details of which rotates first or second - it is just
fast that would only be used if you didn't
care to write the exact direction of rotation each time.
It has a different feeling to it - it a relaxed shaking
that is not specific.
My example
number 2 shows that there are exactly two rotations for
each arm, and that we know that the movement is going
up and down, and what I wrote shows the arms rotating
in opposite directions to each other - since I am reading
the top rotation arrow first, and then the bottom one if the left symbol were flopped, then it might
be more correct with what Stefan was writing...
The question
is this....Would the sign be confused with another sign
if you were less specific? If not then maybe the detail
is not necessary...but on the other hand, you have written
it accurately and I think that is great...