All Symbols

This is a full listing of all symbol groups available.


The symbol groups are divided into 7 major categories and groups and subgroups.

To find a symbol use one of the following 2 ways.

  1. Click on the category that has the symbol that you are looking for in the icon pane. Click on the '+' to display the symbols in a category, then select the symbol.
  2. Use the arrow keys to move to the symbol in the list of icons to move to a symbol.

Move the mouse arrow over a symbol and a short description will show up.



General keys
F1 All Symbols Help
Enter Move over to the chooser area with the selected symbol.
Left arrow When positioned on a category in the icon list, colapses it.
Right arrow When positioned on a category in the icon list, expands it.
Up arrow When in the icon list, move to the preceding icon symbol.
Down arrow When in the icon list, move to the next icon symbol.
1 Displays the hands category
2 Displays the movement category
3 Displays the face and head category
4 Displays the body category
5 Displays the dynamics category
6 Displays the punctuation category
7 Displays the avanced sorting category


Except for the category icons, all icons can be dragged directly to the sign area.

See Also