Using the Dictionary Walkthrough

The Dictionary can be invoked from 3 different parts of the program.

  1. From the MainMenu
  2. When adding a Sign or Image to a Document.
  3. When adding a Sign to a SignList

Adding new Signs to the Dictionary

  1. With the Dictionary open Click on the Yellow plus "Add new" or press Alt-A
  2. Fill out the fields. 
  3. Double click on the Sign or Image to edit them.

Viewing Signs in the Dictionary

Method One

  1. Type part of the word in the Gloss Search box.
  2. Press Tab or Enter to search. 
  3. Scroll through the dropdown box the the gloss you want or scroll through the signs in the grid below.

Method Two

  1. Click on the Sign Search button or Alt-S
  2. Add the symbols you are looking for in a sign into the sign area.
  3. Click Accept to search.
  4. Scroll through the dropdown box the the gloss you want or scroll through the signs in the grid below.

Editing Signs

  1. Once signs are displayed (See Viewing Signs in the Dictionary)
  2. Click in the fields to edit them.
  3. Double click on the Sign or Image to edit them.

Choosing a Sign

You  can use the Dictionary to choose a sign when opened from the Document or a SignList.

There will be two special buttons at the top of the Dictionary window, an Accept and Cancel button.

  1. View signs.
  2. Position the cursor on the row you want to select.
  3. Click the Accept button to choose the sign in the row.
  4. Press the Cancel button to not choose any sign.


You can copy and paste signs as well as images.

To enter many glosses for one sign. Put one in the gloss column.  Put the others in the glosses column seperated by commas.

You can only work on one sign language at a time.  To change Sign Languages, click on Options or Alt-O.

See Also