Walkthrough: Creating a Document

Open the Document Module, fom the Main Menu (Ctrl-D)

Add Signs From Editor

  1. From the menu, Signs, Add, From Editor (F9)
  2. Select symbols and add to sign.
  3. Click on the accept button to add sign to document


Or Add Signs From Dictionary

  1. From the menu, Signs, Add,  From Dictionary (F10)
  2. Search for sign to add. 
  3. Put cursor in row of the sign you want to add.
  4. Click on the Accept button to add sign to document

Add Picture from File

  1. From the menu, Pictures, Add,  From File (F11)
  2. From the menu, File Open (Ctrl-O), select the file you want to open.
  3. Edit the pictures with the tools.
  4. From the menu, File Save (Ctrl-S)

Or Add Illustration from Dictionary

  1. From the menu, Pictures, Add,  From Dictionary (Illustration) (F12)
  2. Search for sign with illustration to add. 
  3. Put cursor in row of the sign with picture you want to add.
  4. Click on the Accept button.

Or Add Photo Sign from Dictionary

  1. From the menu, Pictures, Add,  From Dictionary (Photo Sign)
  2. Search for sign with photo sign to add. 
  3. Put cursor in row of the sign with picture you want to add.
  4. Click on the Accept button.




Edit Signs and Pictures

  1. To edit a sign, right click on the sign. 
  2. From the menu choose Edit in Editor.
  3. Click Accept after editing.
  1. To edit a picture, right click on the picture. 
  2. From the menu choose Edit in Editor.
  3. Edit the pictures with the tools.
  4. From the menu, File Save (Ctrl-S)

 Change the order of signs

Method 1

  1. Righ click on the sign or picture.
  2. Choose Move Up to move the sign or picture up.
  3. Choose Move Down to move the sign or picture down.

Method 2

  1. Drag the sign on picture on top of the another sign or picture to move it.

Save the document

  1. From the menu, Document, Save As...
  2. Choose folder and filename to save the document.
  3. To save to the current file, choose Document Save from the menu.

Open a document

  1. From the menu, Document, Open
  2. Choose SignWriter Studio Document file (.SWSDoc)
  3. Click on the Open button.


See Also