Opening SignWriter Studio™ File Walkthrough

To Open a new empty SignWriter Studio™ file (.SWS) which holds the Dicitionary and the SignList.

  1. Click on File/Open SignWriter StudioFile (or Ctrl-O).
  2. An Open dialog box will appear prompting you to choose the folder and the name of the file.  Click Open to choose the file.
  3. A message box will appear indicating the signlanguages and gloss languages in the file. 
  4. Set your Options in File/Options that match the signs in the file.
  5. The filename will appear at the top of the window of the Dictionary window.
  6.  You can now use the Dictionary and SignLists menus from the Module menu.


You can have several SignWriter Studio™ files on your computer. Most people will only ever use one.  You can only open one file at a time. (However you can open SignWriter Studio™ twice and have each working in a different file.)

The Document menu is always available no matter whether or not you opened a SignWriting Studio™ File.

The next time you open SignWriter Studio™ the last SignWriter Studio™ File will open.  This is so that you don't have to choose the file each time you start if you only use one file.

See Also