Used to Translate the Bible
Reverend Ronald H. Dettloff
the Shores Deaf Church, SignWriting is an integral part
of our mission. Presently we use SignWriting in almost
every area of our ministry. Every Sunday we use SignWriting
to project our Scripture text for the day and volunteers
read the signs. Often we give prizes out to the best
readers. All our pass-out papers include SignWriting.
Above: Arthur, a Deaf congregation member, uses the SignPuddle
program on the web to find English words, and to read
the equivalent translation in American Sign Language,
written in SignWriting. |
We translate the English Bible passages into American
Sign Language, typed in SignWriting, using our computers
at the church. In the past, we used the SignWriter DOS
computer program to create our documents:
SignWriter DOS
we are using SignPuddle on the web to create our Bible
SignPuddle for American Sign Language
Once the documents are created, we project the documents
in SignWriting through Power Point, Microsoft Word, and
PDF files. PDF files have the unique ability to show the
gloss when the cursor is passed over the sign. All of
our Bible documents are posted on the web, free for anyone
to download, made possible by webmaster Jerry Spillman,
who created the SignBible web site for us:
SignBible Web Site
In our classes, we teach people how to read scripture
in SignWriting, how to write the signs, and we teach English
glosses so that eventually students can use SignPuddle.
above: Reverend Dettloff at the board, is teaching Bible
passages in English, while a Deaf student at the computer
uses the SignPuddle
program on the web to find the translation
of the words from English into American Sign Language written
in SignWriting. For some Deaf students, this is the first
time they have been able to read Bible passages. |
SignWriting Used in Bible Study
Our congregation consists of Deaf people with different
levels of education. Those Deaf people who are college
educated have opened up their minds to the possibilities
of SignWriting, and have allowed me to use it on every
level, especially for those Deaf members who do not
read and write English well. Around a third of the congregation
has some trouble reading the Bible in English. For them,
SignWriting is a blessing.
We have a special class in which we use SignWriting
to teach students how to read the Bible in English.
We use SignWriting first and then we move over to English.
We have had great success with this, especially with
students considered illiterate or low functioning. In
fact, I believe a system of writing that does not require
a college degree is a much more useful system. We find
it much easier to teach the Bible when we do not have
to teach English first.
We are currently praying that God will supply us with
some helpers in our translating of the Bible into SignWriting.
Anyone considering assisting us in this worthy project
must meet the following requirements: Born again Christian,
knowledge of Scripture and Christian Theology, formal
training in ASL and English, and a love for the Deaf.
We will teach you SignWriting.
God bless,
Rev. Ronald H. Dettloff
Reverend Ronald H. Dettloff
Director of Deaf Ministries
The Shores Deaf Church
Michigan District of the Assemblies of God
The Shores Deaf Church
20880 Ten Mile Road
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
Shores Deaf Church
SignBible Web Site
SignWriting Web Site
SignPuddle for American Sign Language
This Article in PDF Format
the Author: Reverend Ronald H. Dettloff is an ordained
minister with the Assemblies of God and has worked full
time in Deaf ministry since 1987. He has earned degrees
from Central Bible College, Macomb Community College,
and has also earned a certificate in Sign Language Studies
from Madonna University. Currently, he is working on translating
the entire Bible into SignWriting.