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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Tue Nov 23, 1999  12:59 am
Subject:  Listing of All SW Symbols

QUESTION: I am doing a project and a paper on SignWriting for my ASL2 class.
However, I am having trouble finding a key that explains what different
symbols mean. I am wondering if you can send me the address of a web page
where I can find this. My paper is due on Friday the 3rd of December so
if possible can you please send this to me soon. Thank you so much.


ANSWER: Hi there. Thanks for your question. I attended a DeafExpo
conference this weekend, and three different people whom I have never met
before, told me that they had written papers about SignWriting for their
classes this year. That is nice to know!

Someone at the DeafExpo also asked me how many symbols SignWriting has? I
can only say, that if you count a smile on a face to be a symbol - then we
have a lot of symbols, because the facial expressions alone have many
little lines....But there is little or no learning involved with those
symbols - because anyone can see immediately what it means - a smile! So
how does one count symbols in such a visual writing system?....with great
difficulty! But reading them is not difficult - it is fun and fast...

So to answer your question there a list of all symbols with a
key explaining what they mean? The ENTIRE list of all symbols is not on the
web at the moment, but some categories are. Here are some web pages to read:

Lessons In SignWriting
Lesson 2: Hands, Part One

Lesson 2: Hands, Part Two
American Manual Alphabet

Lessons In SignWriting
Lesson 3: Contact Symbols

Lessons In SignWriting
Lesson 4: Finger Movements

Lessons In SignWriting
Lesson 5: Straight Movement Arrows

Lessons In SignWriting
Lesson 10: Facial Expressions

Hope this helps!

Best -

Val ;-)

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