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Date:  Wed Apr 17, 2002  9:56 pm
Subject:  Fwd: Fw: survey

>To: ,
>Subject: Fw: survey
>Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 01:15:15 -0600
>My name is Hillary Hittner and I am an undergraduate from the University of
>Minnesota. I am doing a study on literacy and Deafness. As I was
>researching literacy I realized that there is so many reports comparing
>reading levels to hearing children as well as perceptions about Deaf/Hard
>of hearing reading levels from teachers and parents but no reports directly
>from Deaf/Hard of hearing individuals. Thus, I have compiled a survey to
>question the perceptions of Deaf/Hard of Hearing individuals about their
>beliefs on English literacy. Please read the consent form before taking
>this survey and "sign" the form by typing in your name. You can send this
>back to me at one of two addresses
>Thank you for your time!
>If you know of anyone else who would be interested in participating please
>forward this survey on. You can either respond to this email or send it to
>me via postal mail at
>230 oak grove street apt. # 122
>minneapolis, MN 55403
>Deaf Literacy: What Works?
>You are invited to be in a research study of perspectives on literacy. You
>were selected as a possible participant because you are Deaf or hard of
>hearing. We ask that you read this form and ask any questions you may have
>before agreeing to be in the study.
>The research study titled, Ia* eaf Literacy: What Works Ia is a senior
>project conducted by Hillary Hittner and The University of Minnesota. Ms.
>Hittner is an undergraduate who is graduating in May 2002 with a Bachelors
>of Arts in Honors Psychology and a Bachelors of Individualized Studies in
>Deaf Studies, Biological Psychology and Drug and Alcohol Studies.
>Background Information:
>There is an abundance of research concerning literacy development and the
>education of children who are Deaf/hard of hearing. Researchers have made
>many attempts to answer the question: What is better-speech or signing.
>However, the findings remain inconclusive since so many factors influence
>literacy development such as family support, communication, diversity in
>the classroom, the use of technology etc. Additionally, most of the
>research fails to ask Deaf/hard of hearing individuals directly what
>influences their ability to learn literacy skills. Thus, the purpose of
>this study is to obtain perspectives on English literacy from Deaf/hard of
>hearing individuals.
>If you agree to be in this study, we would ask you to do the following
>Participants are asked to fill out a forty-five question survey that is
>designed to take no more than ten minutes to complete. The survey is broken
>down into four domains that influence perceptions on English literacy;
>parental, educational, communication, and self.
>Risks and Benefits of Being in the Study:
>There are no direct benefits nor risks to participating in this survey.
>The records of this study will be kept private. In any sort of report we
>might publish, we will not include any information that will make it
>possible to identify a subject. Research records will be kept in a locked
>file; only researchers will have access to the records for educational
>Voluntary Nature of the Study:
>Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect your current or
>future relations with the University of Minnesota. If you decide to
>participate, you are free to withdraw at any time without affecting those
>New Information:
>If during the course of this research study, there are significant new
>findings discovered which might influence your willingness to continue, the
>researchers will inform you of those developments.
>Contacts and Questions:
>The researcher conducting this study is Hillary Grace Hittner. You may ask
>any questions you have now. If you have questions later, you may contact
>her at ; Phone: (612) 840-8898 or Randy Fletcher (advisor)
>If you have any questions or concerns regarding the study and would like to
>talk to someone other than the researcher(s), contact Research Subjects Iar
>Advocate line, D528 Mayo, 420 Delaware Street S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota
>55455; telephone (612) 625-1650.
>Upon request, you will be given a copy of this form to keep for your
>Statement of Consent:
>I have read the above information. I have asked questions and have received
>answers. I consent to participate in the study.
>Signature ______________________________________________________ Date
>Signature of Investigator __________________________________________ Date
>Please read the following statements carefully and rate how strongly you
>agree or disagree with them.
>1.)Strongly Disagree
>5.)Strongly Agree
>1.) My parents read regularly to me as a child
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>2.) Technology helps me live in both the hearing and Deaf world.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>3.) The communication between a student and the teacher is important for
>the development of reading and writing in English.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>4.) I prefer face-to-face interactions rather than writing things on paper.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>5.) Signed Exact English (SEE) provides a strong foundation for learning to
>read and write.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>6.) I communicate fluently with my parents.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>7.) I rely on others to tell me what is going on in world news.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>8.) It is extremely important to know how to read and write English.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>9.) I would be a better reader if my parents would have read to me more as
>a child.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>10.) SignWriting is the best way to teach D/HH children to read and write.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>11.) I read the newspaper and/or magazines daily.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>12.) I enjoy writing to others as a way to express myself.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>13.) My parents understood me as a child.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>14.) The oral method is the best way for D/HH children to learn to read and
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>15.) It is better to have a Deaf instructor than a hearing instructor who
>is proficient in American Sign Language.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>16.) I find it difficult to remain interested in novel.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>17.) My parents wrote notes to keep me informed about their comings and
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>18.) I wish that I could read English better.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>19.) It does not make a difference in what communication foundation the
>child has, but that he/she can read and write.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>20.) I enjoy reading novels.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>21.) I am involved and aware in both the Deaf and Hearing world regardless
>of technology.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>22.) I watch (closed-captioning) TV for information regarding current news.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>23.) I learned most of my English skills in school.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>24.) Cued Speech is a strong foundation for learning to read and write.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>25.) I learned how to communicate (language skills) in school.
>1.) Strongly Disagree 2.) Disagree 3.) Undecided 4.) Agree 5.) Strongly
>Answer the following questions with a Yes/No
>Now As a child
>First space for NOW second for AS A CHILD
>I have a palm pilot. ________ ________
>I have a pager. ________ ________
>I have a diary or journal that I use. ________ ________
>I have a TTY in my home. ________ ________
>I have internet access. ________ ________
>I have a caption decoder for my television. ________ ________
>I use instant messaging. ________ ________
>Answer the following questions with a Yes/No
>I have a sibling who is Deaf/hard of hearing. ________
>I have a parent who is Deaf/hard of hearing. ________
>I have a child who is Deaf/hard of hearing. ________
>I am a member of the Deaf culture. ________
>My teachers used technology (computers/closed captioning) as
>a way to help teach reading skills. ________
>1.) Check all that apply- Demographics
>Parents Yourself
>_____ _____Some High School
>_____ _____High School Graduate
>_____ _____Some College
>_____ _____Four Year College Degree
>_____ _____Masters Degree
>_____ _____Doctorate Degree
>2.) Racial Background (circle one)
>A.) Caucasian
>B.) Asian
>C.) African American
>D.) Hispanic
>E.) Other
> Gender M or F (circle one)
>3.) Age Range
>18-25 _____26-35_____
>46+ _____
>4.) Age onset of hearing loss:
>At Birth ______
>0-2 ______
>2-5 ______
>5 + ______
>5.) Professional Role:_____________________________________________________
>6.) Language spoken home:________________________________________________
>7.) What language do you feel the most comfortable
>8.) What type of school did you attend when you were learning how to read
>(mainstream, oral, manual, bilingual
>9.) Survey distributed by (circle one): Postal Mail, Internet, Researcher,
>Educator, Other

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