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From:  "Angus B. Grieve-Smith"
Date:  Sun Oct 24, 1999  6:49 pm
Subject:  Re: Receiving attachments.....

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Valerie Sutton wrote:

> Thanks for this response, Jean. The few times that someone sent us
> attachments to the List, I never received a message from Juno saying
> that you had not received it....nor was it returned to me....has
> anyone else had that problem? I doubt it somehow.

You're right. I have a Juno account that I sometimes use when I
travel, and it just passes on the message to me without the attachment.

> Meanwhile, hotmail or aol accept attachments, and are not too hard to
> setup (I hope :-), so maybe you can change over on your own :-)

The reason Jean can't use AOL or Hotmail is because her friend
hasn't helped her set up her new internet account yet. I think we can
safely send attachments to the list, and I hope Jean can get set up quick
so she doesn't miss them.

> 3. The files should pertain to SignWriting. If you send photos, they
> should be related to SignWriting in some way.

So we can send files in SignWriting that don't pertain to
SignWriting, right? For example, if I wanted to discuss cooking in ASL,
could I do that on the list?

> 4. Do not send overly large files....what should the cut off be on
> that?

How about 500K?

I'm looking forward to getting attachments!

Angus B. Grieve-Smith
Linguistics Department
The University of New Mexico

  Replies Author Date
2043 Re: Receiving attachments..... Valerie Sutton Mon  10/25/1999
2048 Re: Receiving attachments..... Angus B. Grieve-Smith Mon  10/25/1999
2059 Writing the sign for "send-send-send" Valerie Sutton Mon  10/25/1999
2044 Ok Guys...I need your approval.... Valerie Sutton Mon  10/25/1999
2069 Re: Ok Guys...I need your approval.... Stuart Thiessen Mon  10/25/1999
2071 Perhaps small .GIF's are best? Valerie Sutton Tue  10/26/1999
2079 Re: Perhaps small .GIF's are best? Stuart Thiessen Tue  10/26/1999
2080 Re: Perhaps small .GIF's are best? Valerie Sutton Tue  10/26/1999

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