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From:  Wayne in Maine
Date:  Fri Nov 19, 1999  1:00 am
Subject:  Re: Spoken Language Translation Programs

Bill -
It could be that it will only translate "não" and other such words
correctly when they have the accents on them. "Nao" is not a Portuguese
word, "não" is.
- Wayne

>From: Bill Reese
>Reply-To: SignWriting List
>To: SignWriting List
>Subject: Re: Spoken Language Translation Programs
>Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 13:36:25 -0500
>I think she did use a translation program - just changed her message when
>did it. The translator has trouble with some words. When it does, it
>change them. There are some words in her second message that still look
>they are portuguese. I took two of them, "nao" and "tambem", and they
>translate. Of course, she could be using a translator program on her
>and not online. But it's the same deal - she's using a translating program
>Obviously, the online translators aren't perfect. But with a little
>understanding, they are useful.
>Here's what I inputted in the translator as a possible reply:
>Hello Priscilla,
>I'm happy that you like the Signwriting system. It will become easier as
>use it. Please, tell us how you are using it.
>Send me your address and I will send you the Signwriting material. We have
>people doing work with signwriting in Portuguese. Once you are on the
>list you will be able to share information with them. To subscribe to the
>(I forget how to subscribe - but you get the idea)
>To translate the web pages on the Signwriting site from English to
>use can use this translator:
>Em Português:
>Hello Priscilla,
>Eu sou feliz que você gosta do sistema de Signwriting. Tornar-se-á mais
>como você o usa. Por favor, diga-nos como você o está usando.
>Emita-me seu endereço e eu emitir-lhe-ei o material de Signwriting. Nós
>alguns povos fazer o trabalho com signwriting no português. Uma vez que
>está na lista do email você poderá compartilhar da informação com eles.
>subscrever à lista:
>(eu me esqueço de como subscrever - mas você começa a idéia)
>Para traduzir as páginas do Web no local de Signwriting de inglês ao
>o uso pode usar este tradutor:
>Notice Valerie that she wants the signwriting material you make on your
>printer. :-)
>I don't know if the translation is ok in Portuguese. Wayne, how'd it
>Bill Reese
>Wayne in Maine wrote:
> > Priscila wrote:
> > >Muito obrigada pelos enderecos que voce me mandou,
> > >esta sendo muito util.
> > >
> > >Estou achando um pouco dificil esse metodo de escrita, mas
> > >acho que com o tempo eu pego o jeito.
> > >
> > >Mais uma vez obrigada,
> > >e que Deus abencoe.
> > >Priscila
> >
> > Valerie -
> > I'm not sure Priscila used a translation program to write the
> > below, as it's not the same as what's above. The above message says:
> > "Thank you very much for the addresses that you sent me. It has
> > very useful.
> > I am finding this method of writing a little difficult, but I think
> > with time I'll get used to it.
> > Thanks once again, and may God bless."
> >
> > - Wayne
> >
> > >
> > >Hello Valerie............ ' -)
> > >
> > >I feel very for the delay, but I do not know to say English.
> > >Necessary to look at in the translator. Perhaps I wrote wrong.
> > >
> > >Answering its question, yes, I would like to receive the package that
> > >spoke, and to be part of the stack.
> > >
> > >I liked them very sites that he showed to me. Still I find a little
> > >the writing of the signs, but I am studying.
> > >
> > >The people of the stack are all of U.S.A.? Nao exists the possibility
> > >work in the site tambem in Portuguese.
> > >
> > >Thank's for atencao,
> > >Priscila
> >
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