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From:  Priscila
Date:  Mon Nov 22, 1999  3:17 pm
Subject:  Re: Spoken Language Translation Programs

>Actually, Charles, I believe Priscila just joined the SignWriting List...
>Priscila - I was really impressed with your translation program you used
>for English, so I shared that with the List, and now we are talking about
>translation programs!!
>Val ;-)
>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in English:

I am very happy with the attention that you have given for me,
debtor To be part of the list has been very good.
How much to the translator, after its message, I começei to use the
following one:
All good?
Until briefing,

>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Em Portugues
Oi Val,
Estou muito feliz com a atenção que você tem dado para mim, obrigada.
Fazer parte da list tem sido muito bom.
Quanto ao tradutor, depois da sua mensagem, eu começei a usar o seguinte:

Tudo bem?
Até breve,

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