>Thank you all for your suggestions. I will check each one out and see
>what we can do. Angus, I think that probably is a fair retail price, and
>perhaps they would do a 10+ price or something, also. Paul suggested
>another site also. I just now got online today, so will be letting you
>all know what the research yields in a few days.
SignWriting List
April 17, 2001
Dear SignWriting List and Jerry and Sandra and everyone!
Sandra Coleman sent me a wonderful poster, which she wrote by hand,
showing us how she envisions the poster.
Thank you Sandra!
It is quite large...Sandra placed it in a tube to mail to me ;-)
So what do we do now? Jerry and Angus and Paul and everyone...Do you
have a plan of some kind to print or manufacture items with
I will try to show you all what Sandra designed...it is pretty hard
to scan, since it is so large...but as soon as I can I will try to
give you a good picture of what Sandra was thinking of...
Thanks everyone!
Val ;->
Valerie Sutton
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