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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Tue Apr 17, 2001  2:26 pm
Subject:  Re: Colombian Fingerspelling.

SignWriting List
April 17, 2001

Thanks so much, Hector, for your attached SGN file, of Colombian
Fingerspelling...I have not looked at the file yet, but I will soon...

I am writing to ask a favor...

Do you have illustrations of the handshapes used in Colombian
Fingerspelling? - Actual photos or drawings done by an artist?

If you could scan the illustrations into the computer, and then
create a GIF or JPEG of that scan, and send it to the SW List
too...then I can compare your SGN file with the pictures, to make
sure we are writing the SW symbols the way you want....and I can
share it all with the SW List as well...we will all learn Colombian
Fingerspelling together!

Many blessings to everyone in Colombia ;-)

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