SignWriting List
April 4, 2002
Dear Steve,
here are the last few pages of this "Intersign"-article.
Well is it worth anything this "new invention". I do not think so - people
get frightened looking at all these different symbols - at least I get
disinterested to go further and to study it with more time.
I have got problems to decompress the files. So I will send one after he
other. Hope it works !
The article was pubished in
DAS ZEICHEN;Nr. 57 ; 2001 ; September ISSN 0932-4747
Zeitschrift fuer Sprache und Kultur Gehoerloser
Herausgeber: Institut fuer Deutsche Gebaerdensprache, Gesellschaft fuer
Verlag : Signum Verlag
Have a super day
Stefan Greetings to Diane and Spencer - hm the baby does not
understand - but give him a hug please ;-)))