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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Wed Nov 24, 1999  2:58 pm
Subject:  USA Holiday: Thanksgiving

November 24, 1999

Good Morning SignWriting List Members!

It is around 7:00 in the morning, and I am all packed, ready to take my
first plane trip in two years ;-)

I used to be a world traveler, and enjoyed it so much...but in the decade
of the 90's I did little traveling because of health limitations. But I am
doing better, and meanwhile my sister, who lives in southern Florida, has
arranged a family reunion up north in Orlando, Florida...right next to
several amusement parks for her twin boys, who just turned 11 years old
last week. We are getting together for the Thanksgiving holiday. I have not
seen my sister in three years, so this means a there will be
other family members it will be a memorable weekend!

For those who live outside of the USA, you may not know of the USA holiday
that happens every year at this time. On Thanksgiving day, family and
friends come together to eat a big feast, with traditional food, and give
thanks for the food and good friends. It is always on the last Thursday in
November. There are three holidays in a row in the United
States...Halloween on October 31, Thanksgiving at the end of November, and
then Christmas. One follows the other in a series of festivities...I know
that in other countries there are also "strings of holidays" in a row in
the cold winter us something to do while we are warm inside
our houses!!

But then, I also know it is summer time in Brazil and Australia right now! ....

So the world is a big and diverse place...just like the SignWriting List! ;-)

One of our SignWriting List members, Andrea Braswell, was so sweet and sent
me a "Turkey" for Thanksgiving...You can find her gift below...isn't that
beautifully drawn? ;-)

Many thanks, Andrea, and thanks also to others who have sent me Thankgiving
greetings - because I have to catch a plane I may not be able to answer
until Monday, but I will write - I promise!

So I will be online again on Monday -

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

And many blessings -

Val ;-)

Happy Thanksgiving. Andrea Braswell

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