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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Fri Apr 27, 2001  7:07 pm
Subject:  Re: dialogue - roleplay

Stefan Woehrmann wrote:
>Problem #1: Person A touches the shoulder - but in our document the contact
>star is located at "no - body " he - nevertheless you could understand our

SignWriting List
April 27, 2001

Yes...tapping the person on the shoulder (or a pretend one) is quite
common in roleplaying.

Even the "Advanced Goldilocks in ASL" story we published has the
tapping of the shoulder in several places, when Mama Bear asks Baby
Bear and Papa Bear to come to eat their dinner, she taps them on the do not need a touching contact star to make that
clear, since the very small tense movements towards the diagonal is
pretty could add tension to it...but it is not

The most important thing is eyegaze in this case. SignWriting uses
eyegaze to establish location of the signers. So the moment you
change eyegaze, you know someone has moved.

So I am waiting for you to respond to my second diagram in which I
discussed Line 2...Once we establish eyegaze and location of the two
signers, then we can establish the directionality of the arrow.

Once that is solved, then I will move on to Person B. I believe you
already figured out, Stefan, that Receptive is best for Person
B....but it is handled in a special way, when writing roleplaying in
SignWriting....or Expressive can be chosen too, but it has to be
clear how each person is relating to each other.

I love writing two or more signers of my favorites!
(along with writing Group Dances in DanceWriting ;-)

Val ;->


Valerie Sutton


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